Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Workshop at MARJON this Sunday

I received an email from Dienka, regarding a workshop in MARJON. Here it goes:

Dienka just spoke to David Oddie from Marjon, who runs the ARROW programme, an arts project that helps to link up young people from around the world who want to use the arts for conflict resolution. As part of this, some young people from South Africa are coming to Plymouth to meet young people from Stoke Dammerel school to do some workshops in singing and mask making. He would also like some other young people to get involved so would you like to come along? Its is this Sunday 10am-5pm at the drama studio at Marjon. It would be great if you could come, David is in all day tomorrow if you want to ask him anything about itn (he's in the drama department) or you can ring Dienka.

Posted by Miss Aini @ 7:21 AM